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Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House Geronimo Stilton

Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House


  • 作者:Geronimo Stilton
  • 出版社:Scholastic
  • ISBN(13位):9780439559652
  • 语种:英语
  • 开本:32
  • 页数:122
  • 市场价:¥ 39.9
装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存
  • 商品Id:655491
  • 重量:181.400 克
  • 尺寸:18.5 x 13.2 x 1.0 cm
  • 出版日期:2004-2-1
  • 内部编号:未知
  • 货架号:未知
  • SUPID:2
九成新 ¥ 12.22 ¥ 10.75 0 有货通知


在线阅读本书幽默·搞笑·惊险·奇妙·悬疑·动感以老鼠的视角描绘人间百态,你能从中得到极大的阅读满足感!还能学到许多世界性文化知识!全球热销,世界各地30多个地区争相出版!富有创意的排版设计,制造了一种阅读新乐趣!屡获国际殊荣:出版及创意奖、安徒生奖、儿童电子书奖等。老少咸宜,孩子和父母将由此打开两代沟通的话通!多么害怕!多么恐怖!多么的鼠皮疙瘩! 谢利连摩在肯尼猫城堡内吓破胆了! 肯尼猫贵族的城堡内竟然出现老鼠骷髅骨、断爪猫鬼魂、木乃伊、女巫和吸血鬼……难道这个城堡真的那么恐怖吗?这些“东西”可以在瞬间出现,又在瞬间消失。在谢利连摩、菲、赖皮和班哲文四只老鼠中,为什么只有谢利连摩能看见这些“东西”?这个诡异的谜团,唯独班哲文能解开!Book DescriptionGeronimo Stilton, is a best-selling book series written by Geronimo Stilton. In the series, Geronimo Stilton is a fictional character, an Italian speaking mouse who lives in New Mouse City on The Island of Mice. A best-selling author, he works as a journalist for the fictional newspaper The Rodent s Gazette. He has a younger sister named Thea Stilton, a cousin named Trap Stilton, and favorite nephew, nine-year-old Benjamin Stilton. Geronimo is a nervous, mild-mannered mouse who would like nothing better than to live a quiet life, but he keeps getting involved in far-away adventures with Thea, Trap and Benjamin. The books are written as though they are autobiographical adventure stories.Who Is Geronimo Stilton?That s me! I run a newspaper, but my true passion is writing tales of adventure. Here on Mouse Island, my books are all best-sellers! What s that? You ve never read one? Well, my books are full of fun. They are whisker-licking good stories, and that s a promise!The Case of Curlypaw Cannycat s CastleI was lost in a dark, spooky forest! Until I stumbled upon Curlypaw Cannycat s Castle. The castle was completely empty, or so I thought. But I quickly discovered that it was haunted - by cats! Let me tell you, this was one case where curiosity almost killed the mouse!Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)13.5
