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VR Troopers: Virtual Reality Magician Egmont

VR Troopers: Virtual Reality Magician


  • 作者:Egmont
  • 出版社:Egmont
  • ISBN(13位):9780749727369
  • 语种:英语
  • 开本:32
  • 页数:144
  • 市场价:¥ 29.9
装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存
  • 商品Id:515385
  • 重量:88.500 克
  • 尺寸:17.8 x 1 x 11.2 cm
  • 出版日期:1996
  • 内部编号:116250055954
  • 货架号:70002943
  • SUPID:2
九成新 ¥ 9.10 ¥ 8.01 0 有货通知


ao Chung's dojo is holding a tenth anniversary celebration mayor and other important guests. But the evil Grimlord sends a replacement, a virtual magician, who steals Kaitlin's and J.B.'s virtualizers, rendering them powerless in the virtual world. Worse vet, Grimlord and his mutant robots might break through the reality barrier. Kaitlin and J.B. Use the flying car to track down the magician in the virtual sectors Meanwhile, they discover an abandoned building that houses a clue to the whereabouts of Ryan's missing father. With the help of Professor Hart, a holographic computer image; Jeb the talking dog; and Tao Chung, their martial arts sensei;A magidan is expecled to pertorm, ententaining the 澳中道场举行十周年庆典,市长及其他重要嘉宾出席。但是邪恶的格里莫魔王派了一个替身,一个虚拟的魔术师,偷走了凯特琳和J.B.这使得他们在虚拟世界中变得无能为力。更糟糕的是,格里莫罗德和他的变异机器人可能会突破现实障碍。凯特琳和J.B.使用飞车在虚拟区域追踪魔术师。与此同时,他们发现了一个废弃的建筑,里面有线索可以找到瑞安失踪的父亲的下落。在哈特教授的帮助下,全息计算机图像;会说话的狗杰布;和Tao Chung,他们的武术老师;一个魔术师被期望去表演,禁锢 Ryan must rescue his friends and their virtualizing pendants before it's too late. 瑞恩必须在为时已晚之前拯救他的朋友和他们的虚拟挂件。 With a cry of Trooper trausform!' the V.R. Troopers call upon their martial arts skills and the powers of their pendants to save both the real and the virtual worlds 伴随着一声“特拉斯特骑兵!”虚拟骑警利用他们的武术技能和挂饰的力量拯救了现实世界和虚拟世界
