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Sharks Informania Christopher Maynard

Sharks Informania


装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存
  • 商品Id:514579
  • 重量:515.000 克
  • 尺寸:未知
  • 出版日期:1997-10-20
  • 内部编号:116300011389
  • 货架号:50002168
  • SUPID:2
九成新 ¥ 30.60 ¥ 26.93 0 有货通知


come inside the world of INFORMANIATM, and sink your teeth into SHARKS! It's packed to the gills with the latest news and views on the ocean's fiercest hunters -presented in four devastatingly different sections: 走进信息世界,用你的牙齿咬鲨鱼吧!它包含了关于海洋中凶猛的猎人的新消息和观点,分为四个完全不同的部分: Dive into Splash! magazine, for the shocking truth about shark attacks and the hottest news on shark conservation 深入飞溅!关于鲨鱼袭击的令人震惊的真相和关于鲨鱼保护的热门新闻 Join the Fish Bureau of Investigation for the lowdown on the biggest, the baddest, and the ugliest sharks in the ocean. 加入鱼类调查局,了解海洋中大、坏、丑的鲨鱼。 Log on to the INFORMANIATM database to discover just what makes sharks such lean, mean, killing machines 登录INFORMANIATM数据库,看看是什么让鲨鱼成为如此瘦弱、凶猛的杀人机器 Be a teacher's pet-sign up for Miss Skipper's Biology class and swot up on shark reproduction. 做老师的宠儿——报名上斯基珀小姐的生物课,刻苦学习鲨鱼的繁殖。

