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Why Do Moths Drink Elephants' Tears?: And other zoological curiosities Matt Walker

Why Do Moths Drink Elephants' Tears?: And other zoological curiosities


  • 作者:Matt Walker
  • 出版社:Piatkus
  • ISBN(13位):9780749951535
  • 语种:英语
  • 开本:32
  • 页数:216
  • 市场价:¥ 79.9
装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存
  • 商品Id:513888
  • 重量:219.500 克
  • 尺寸:12.6 x 1.3 x 19.5 cm
  • 出版日期:2007-01-01
  • 内部编号:116300011318
  • 货架号:未知
  • SUPID:2
九成新 ¥ 24.40 ¥ 21.47 0 有货通知


Why do zebras have stripes? 为什么斑马身上有条纹? Why do kangaroos thump their feet? 袋鼠为什么跺脚? . Why do bats roost in old churches? 。为什么蝙蝠栖息在古老的教堂里? Why Do Moths Drink Elephants' Tears? is a professionally researched miscellany of the animal kingdom, packed with bizarre and sometimes incredible facts about the natural world that surrounds us. 为什么飞蛾喝大象的眼泪?是一本经过专业研究的动物王国杂集,里面充满了我们周围的自然世界里奇怪的、有时令人难以置信的事实。 Did you know that virgin male butterflies make better lovers than more experienced ones? Or that the male flour beetle can impregnate a female he has never met? 你知道吗?雄性蝴蝶比经验丰富的蝴蝶更适合做情人。或者雄性粉甲虫能让一个他从未见过的雌性怀孕? Why Do Moths Drink Elephants' Tears? does not rely on over-familiar facts or well-worn myths. It is an original, entertaining and addictive collection that will delight anyone entranced by the wondrous diversity of animal life on our planet. 为什么飞蛾喝大象的眼泪?不依赖过于熟悉的事实或老生常谈的神话。这是一个原创的,娱乐和上瘾的收集,将高兴为我们的星球上奇妙的动物生命的多样性着迷。

