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Make and Colour Greetings Cards Clare Beaton

Make and Colour Greetings Cards


装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存
  • 商品Id:503784
  • 重量:133.000 克
  • 尺寸:未知
  • 出版日期:1999-09-01
  • 内部编号:116330003868
  • 货架号:20000169
  • SUPID:2
九成新 ¥ 12.20 ¥ 10.74 0 有货通知


20 super cards to colour in for really popular occasions like birthdavs. holidays, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and for just saying hello to your pals and I miss you' 20张超级贺卡,可以在生日等非常流行的场合使用。节日,圣诞节,母亲节,父亲节,还有你向你的朋友们问好,我想你。” to someone far away 给远方的人 perfect money-saving book to give hours of fun and creativity. 完美的省钱书给小时的乐趣和创造力。Tbe book contains. 此种书包含。 20 cards to cut out and colour in 需要裁剪20张卡片并上色 Great ideas for making more creative cards 制作更有创意的卡片的好主意 and gift tags 和礼物标签 Templates for envelopes and other shapes 信封和其他形状的模板 Tips and hints on decorating cards *STENCIL with lots of great shapes. 装饰卡片的技巧和提示*模板上有很多很棒的形状。



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