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Animals Pencil, Paper, Draw Steve Harpster

Animals Pencil, Paper, Draw


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  • 商品Id:503779
  • 重量:268.000 克
  • 尺寸:未知
  • 出版日期:2006-11-09
  • 内部编号:116330003866
  • 货架号:20000184
  • SUPID:2
九成新 ¥ 18.30 ¥ 16.10 0 有货通知


Feathered or furry, animals romp through our hearts and our imaginations. Now you con learn to draw creatures large and small, wild and tame, af rest and on the go-in a matter of minutes. From a humble tree frog to a regal eagle, different colored lines that show each step make it easy. Create page afer page of dancing bears baby chimpanzees, cuddly koalas, lurmbering elephants, and 25 more. If living creatures make your heart go wild, put pencil to paper and draw incredible animals! 有羽毛或毛绒绒的动物在我们的内心和想象中欢蹦乱跳。现在你可以学习画动物或大或小,或野或驯养,或休息或走动-在几分钟内。从一只不起眼的树蛙到一只高贵的老鹰,每一步都有不同颜色的线条,让每一步都变得简单。在每一页纸上画上跳舞的熊、小黑猩猩、可爱的考拉、潜水的大象和其他25个动物。如果活着的动物让你的心变得狂野,把铅笔写在纸上,画出不可思议的动物!
